They are in my opinion the most playable of all the bass libraries that I've encountered, but of course that means you have to learn to play them. Based on the Scarbee Red Bass, it makes extensive use of the advanced scripting features introduced with the SCARBEE PRE-BASS. This addition to the 'powered by KONTAKT' range of instruments is an expertly played and sampled late 70s Jazz bass. If you don't have a pedal I believe you can set a key switch to enact the slide mode. SCARBEE JAY-BASS is the go-to source for slap and finger bass. The default midi CC to enact slide mode is the release pedal. It includes, and is therefore 'powered by', Kontakt Player, which functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units. Scarbee MM-Bass by Native Instruments / Scarbee is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin and a Standalone Application for macOS and Windows. You want to slide all the way down to G so you need to start out on the 7th fret of the E string and slide to G at the 3rd fret). Bass Module Plugin by Native Instruments. If your starting note is a B and you want to slide down to a G then you don't want to start out on the A string (e.g. Choice of string is not only about tone but also considering what note you're starting at and where you want to end up. You need to think more like a bass player that a keyboard player. In my experience the key to mastering Scarbee bass instruments is learning when to use the gliss (quickly playing an ascending half or whole step interval), when to use slide (holding down the sustain pedal and playing two overlapping notes) and using the key switches to select which virtual string a given note is played on.